
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2023

Presentation - 4 days in Příbram

 We would like to introduce you very shortly meeting of the students and their teachers in Pribram. 26.-30.3.2023. You can go through the presentation and you see the days within the program. It was very friendly, active and interesting time to be together and know each other. The topic of our meeting was well-being and we started with well-being activities. Enjoy the presentation! Prezentace Příbram

Digging deeper in Příbram - in the Mining Museum

 Day 2 in Příbram we also visited the local Mining Musem. We learnt about the records in mining in this area and other interesting things.

Well-being presentation by the psychologist Anežka in Příbram

 Check out the main aspects of Well-being :-)) Well-being presentation

Terka´s pictures and impressions

On T hursday we went on a city tour to see Warsaw.  We were at a very beautiful park with fresh air where you  can relax, do some activities or just relax. We saw a view of Warsaw ... ...some monuments ... and the Chopin’s museum: We had a great time there! The real well-being time :-).  Tereza Šeligová, Příbram

Well-being time in Warsaw by Matej

  I visited my friends from Smart School. near Warsaw in May. We travelled by bus to Prague, from Prague we left by train to Warsaw. Our Polish friends showed us their nice school. We did well being activites like: yoga, breathing, some funny games, some sports and antistress lessons. We walked in Warsaw center, and we saw lot of historical monumets and places. On this project I made a lot of super friends , I discovered Polish culture, people and food. We are still in contact with my Polish friend Kuba on Instagram. Thank you for a chance to be in this project!

How was the day? What did I like? Let´s have a look into our project journals...


Crafting together - it felt really good!

 One of the workshops was dedicated to crafting together. We could have do painting, colouring antistressing mandalas, making photo corner proprieties, crocheting, threading, creating a friendship handprint painting ... it was so calming and we´ve become even more connected...

Breath, move and relax. It´s yoga time!

 Yoga definitely belongs among the well-being techniques. It´s a special time for your mind and your body. You deserve this time just for you. Calm down your thinking, breath deeply and listen to your body while doing various asanas ...

Well-being? What exactly does it mean?

Czech and polish students worked in mixed teams and cooperated on composing a definition of Well-being. They got the definition cut into many pieces and they had to put the words into the correct order so as it made a sense. 

Workshop with the psychologist Anežka and Magical ball activity - stress relieving!!

 Anežka, the psychologist, talked about how can we manage stress and taught us to prepare a virtual rescue box for the moments we feel really bad and unhappy - few steps what you will do when you get into a bad or anxious mood (each will have something different) - some of us will call a friend, some of us will run in the forest, some of us will listen to his favourite music. It is just important to know what works for you! We also practice breathing - this may be your first step when feeling down. A long and proper deep breath can make you feel much better very quickly!! Magical ball - stress relieving activity in a team

Welcome to our school, dear friends!

  Before we started to work on our topic we took a short tour through our school... looking at the courtyard and buildings of the school in the school canteen biology classroom welcoming by the headmaster welcoming by the headmaster in the music classroom in the V4 project classroom physics classroom school theatre - a place for breaks and snacks

Nice and uplifting walk and talk :o))

 After hard work at school we went for a nice walk and talk around Příbram. We caught some fresh air, we got moving a little and we could contemplate in the Holly Mountain - a Roman Catholic Pilgrimage Site. We tasted special local biscuits and honey products the spot is spiritual, magical, with a very nice and uplifting atmosphere